The members of the States of the West Africa in charge of the universal postal service gathered at the session of the Conference of Ministers in charge of the position of the countries of the West Africa in Grand Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire in 2012:
- Pursuant to the principles of the African Union (AU) and of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- Faithful to the objectives, philosophy and principles of the Universal Postal Union and Pan African Union
- Convinced of the essential role played by the postal sector in the development of Africa and of the need to enhance its economic competitiveness to enable the realization of the African Union’s vision and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
- Convinced of the need for a consultation and exchange framework to enable comparison of their legislations and complements among their services
- Conscious of the changing international environment and its risks of marginalization
- Anxious to preserve the specificity of the Post
- Determined to make her a predominant actor in the challenging environment of liberalisation and deregulation
- Desirous of embracing new technology in order to offer quality postal services to their customers
- Attached to the postal community spirit
- Taking into account the Action Plan for the Development of the Postal sector in Africa adopted by the 2nd session of the Conference of the African Union Ministers in charge of Communications and Information Technology in Cairo (EGYPT)in 2008 and the Regional Plan for the development of the Postal sector in Africa
- Also taking into account the Head of States of ECOWAS member countries decision A/DEC 4/5/81 (Decision of the Authority of Heads of States and Government of the Economic Community of West African States relating to ECOWAS Medium Term Postal Programme)
- Taking into account the report of the ECOWAS Experts meeting held on 12 -13 December 2010 in Abuja (FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA)
Decided to create the West Africa Postal Conference, a regional organization.
Objectives of WAPCO
The key objectives of WAPCO are the following:
- Bring together postal operators in charge of the Universal Service in the sub-region
- Safeguard and improve the quality of postal services sub-regional and international as well as the safety of postal items
- Ensure, maintain and enhance cooperation among members for rationalization and improvement of postal services through their mutual relations and relations with other Posts
- Share experiences on organizational, operational and regulatory problems
- Establish where necessary a single regulation freely accepted by all and each member shall be committed to apply
- Value regional expertise through exchange of the Staff if necessary in different areas of speciality
- Enable consultations among the Posts before any technical Conference or other organization dealing with issues of interest for members
- Promote collaborative training of senior staff from member countries
- Promote within postal activities, the development and use of new information and Communications Technology
- Develop Community development projects and source for funds to implement them
- Promoting financial inclusion of the poorest populations of the region in order to contribute to poverty alleviation and Develop a new postal economic model
However this headquarters may be shifted on unanimous decision of the Conference.
It shall be the Secretariat of the Board of Directors and of the Ministerial Conference.
WAPCO Secretariat shall be headed by an Executive Secretary appointed by the Conference for a – four year term renewable once, in line with the provision of Article 12-14 of the Detailed regulations
The Secretariat shall be accountable to the Conference.
Mr Adama Diouf was elected Executive Secretary of WAPCO by the Council of Ministers of WAPCO held in Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire on 21st August 2021 on the sidelines of the 27th UPU Congress
- Convene ordinary and Extraordinary sessions of the Conference in line with the conditions stated in the Detailed regulations
- Set the date of the next session after consultations with members and prepare the Draft agenda of the Conference
- Serve as Secretariat and coordinate the activities of the Conference
- Draft and update different manuals for General Training in collaboration with member countries
- Develop and ensure the follow-up on the implementation of mutual projects
- Ensure the follow up on the implementation of the Conference decisions and preservation of the records of the organization
- Organise any study decided by the Conference. To this effect, they can benefit from the assistance of appointed experts mandated with some special tasks
- The Executive Secretary shall attend international meetings of interest to the Conference
- Take a decision on important issues arising between two (2) sessions with reflects the opinion of the 2/3 of the members, after express consultation with them through the fastest means
- Perform other tasks as may be required by the Board of Directors or the Ministerial Conference
The working languages of WAPCO are the ones in use at the level of ECOWAS
The Conference may decide to add another language by the absolute majority of its members
The Interpretation is ensured in English and French.
WAPCO shall be a sub regional body to the Pan African Postal Union (PAPU) for the articulation, promotion development and implementation of the Regional / Universal Strategic objectives of Posts and Postal related issues as may be directed by the African Union Commission or agreed at the Universal Postal Union.
WAPCO shall be a specialized agency of ECOWAS responsible for all issues relating to the Post and Postal Services as it affects the sub region in line with the Community set out objectives, directives and guidelines.
WAPCO shall be the specialized agency of ECOWAS responsible for the implementation of African Union Commission directives for the improvement of the Post and Postal services in Africa.