The Council of Admin brings together all the country members
The Chairman of the Board shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Conference on rotational basis among member countries
The Council of Admin shall:
- Direct, control and coordinate the administrative, financial and technical conference
- Adopt the annual Programme of actions and budget of the Conference
- Assess each year the annual contributions of each member country to the budget of the Conference
- Adopt the annual management report and audited accounts of the Conference presented by the Executive Secretary
- Examine and adopt the reports and recommendations of administrative and technical Committees
- Present to the Conference a report on the activities of the Board of Directors. Supervise the negotiation of provisional agreements with other organizations whose activities relate to those of the Conference and submit them for the approval of the Conference
- Submit the provisional agenda of the Sessions of the Conference
- Establish such ad hoc Committees as it may deem necessary for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Conference and prescribe to such bodies, rules for the conduct of their activities
- Screen candidates for the Post of Executive Secretary of the Executive Bureau